And here they are!
Butterscotch’s and Daybreaker’s demonic but friendly quadruplets:
Super Nova (in the middle, powers of radiation),
Solar Flare (right, powers of heat and fire),
Nightmare Star (on Eris’ face, mystical powers like her aunt Nightmare Moon)
and Event Horizon (left, the only boy, powers of a black hole and very unpredictable).
And as expected, they are totally in love with their Auntie Eris, the coolest and most fun godmother ever!
Daybreaker might have claimed Butterscotch, but Eris has now claimed the fruits of their love.
Of course, Eris won’t steal those babies from their mother.
But now she will always be the cool aunt, while Daybreaker will be the party-pooping, scolding mom.
And, as you can expect, Eris will be enough of a bad influence on those little rascals to drive their mommy nuts ;-)