Designed Giorno a new outfit, since Jotaro changed appearance with each Part. It is bird-and-wing themed, to evoke the outfit his father DIO wore on the night he rejected his humanity (https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=andg0Z4a1YY). Feels more like an oyster, though in my opinion. Also screwed up on all the little wings and birds, but oh well, when I finally get that new tablet, I can fix my mistakes.
Hope I did good with the expression and the pose (which is supposed to convey a sense of shock, like Giorno thinking, “Yikes! Did not know such a sweet lady is capable of such thoughts!” Though if he did read the fanfic, it would not be surprising). Hope I also did good with the weird high-class chair I drew and a few familiar symbols (circles is supposed to represent Hamon, like the Hamon rippe that William Zeppeli demonstrated when he first met Jonathan)
P . S. : Why is Giorno wearing a tie and shirt underneath? Well, airport dress code; even the combined power of Passione and Speedwagon Foundation’s assistance will not get him through American’s TSA without putting on a shirt (real reason: eh, don’t want to draw some exposed skin).
Some of the sources I extensively used:
https://youtu . be/rwp60eYuie0?t=2
https://vignette . wikia . nocookie . net/jjba/images/d/d9/Steel_Ball . png/revision/latest?cb=20160601083111
https://vignette . wikia . nocookie . net/jjba/images/4/48/Hamon_Released . png/revision/latest?cb=20170116074132 (not sure if original basis, though)