Chef David Chang once said “This is to me the best way to show homage to something you love the most: by not replicating it with exact ingredients.” Certainly he was talking about pizza, but I feel it can also be said of fan art. That which Frog hath joined together, let no canon development put asunder. And thusly I present Felonwood’s family via the much less convoluted chibi chart I’ve finally perfected! I should reconfigure the existing ones. Maybe I will.
Row 1: Applejack (aka Grandpa Jack); Annabloom (aka Annie Smith, eventually aka Granny Smith)
Row 2: Troubleshoes; Firewood; Felonwood; Ponderosa Stomp
Row 3: Babs Seed; Sunflower Seed; Apple Bloom; Applejack; Big Macintosh
And then some more stuff:
Wow, that Everfree throwdown really did a number on our Apple heroes, didn’t it? Bloom survived a good mauling, but luckily (?) hers were only fleshwounds. She was injured on both legs, and the fur never did grow back properly. Just her luck.
Firewood kept Troubleshoes around until she got bored of him, which was 2 or 3 days tops. He did not know he had a daughter until 20-odd years later. We don’t know who Sunflower’s sire is. I don’t think Firewood cares.
Yes, Babsie IS the spitting image of her mother and aunt. That’s not an accident. Frog has reasons for the cagey shenanigans she pursues. Trust the fungus, Luigi.
mlp:fim = Hasbro/Faust
Know who’s gonna love this? Derpibooru!