As a quick little joke, I left the following comment: “Oh, I’m a PlumberJack and I’m OK, I sleep all night and I work all day.” An obvious nod to the Lumberjack song from Monty Python.
I didn’t think anything further of it, but a few hours later another user, jack-rabbit2, posted a reply basically roll-playing as the Canadian Mounties. I played along, and before I knew it we had ponified the whole song, I even worked a certain disturbing fan theory about Apple Bloom into it! Only thing I could think of that could possibly top the original song’s premise of being a closet transvestite.
Here’s the song lyrics for your amusement. Be warned it contains sexual innuendo.
“Oh, I’m a PlumberJack and I’m OK,
I sleep all night and I work all day.”
“She’s a PlumberJack and she’s OK,
She sleeps all night and she works all day.”
“I buck apple trees, I eat my lunch, I run a cider brewery,
On Wednesdays I go shopping, and have apple scones for tea!”
“She bucks apple trees, she eats her lunch, she runs a cider brewery,
On Wednesdays she goes shopping, and has apple scones for tea!
She’s a PlumberJack and she’s OK,
She sleeps all night and she works all day!”
“I buck apple trees, I skip and jump, I like my big brother,
And after work we go dating and skinny-dip at the spa!”
“She bucks apple trees, She skips and jumps, She likes her big brother,
And after work they go dating, and skinny dip at the spa? D:/
She’s a PlumberJack and She’s OK,
She sleeps all night and she works all day!”
“I buck apple trees, I hump my bro, and made him a Papa!
I wish we could tell Apple Bloom that I’m really her Mama!”
“She bucks apple trees, She humps her bro, and made him a papa!!?
“Jackie! And I thought you were so decent! WAAAH!”
“Dear Princess Celestia,
I wish to complain in the strongest possible terms about the song which you’ve just broadcast about the PlumberJack who commits incest with her brother.
Many of my best friends are plumbers and only a few of them are in relationships with their siblings.
Yours faithfully,
Princess Twilight Sparkle
PS: I have never made out with Shining Armour without consent from Cadance”