Pinkie Pie: Actually barely under average height, overtly fluffy, with very rounded fluff. Unkempt hair and frizzed fur. I know some artists like to portray Pinkie as being pudgy/thicc (or as I say curvy) due to her eating habits, but I don’t because my personal take is that she expends way too much energy for that. But I did give her a gold ‘sweet tooth’. In the full schematic, she will have equilateral circles for eyes, but with tall, cute (and extra) reflections.
Full for Pinkie: >>1633387
Rarity: A thin, tall, model body, but I’m working on making her not quite that thin. Very minimal fluff except for cheek, ear, and chest floof. Ears and angles slender like an elf. Still playing around with her mane and different representational styles. Her iris is taller and slimmer, she will have diamonds in the reflection.