Top to Bottom, Left to Right:
Sunshine: TwilightXSunset
Smol little boy unicorn. He’s mistaken for a girl a lot and tried proving he’s masculine by attempting to join the guard. Didn’t go over well so now he’s using his amazing magic capabilities to try become a princess
Geode Glitz: RarityXMaud
A very refined, calm unicorn. Extremely patient and never looses her cool. She’s well mannered and caring and articulate. She’s not very good at magic but she makes up for it in crazy strength. She’s a miner.
Flower Crown: FlutterhshyXTreeHugger
Ironically not wearing a flower crown in this picture. She’s the youngest of the Mane 6 kids (only a little older than the CMC kids). She’s quiet and reserved but extremely wise. She’s not the best at communicating, inheriting Fluttershy’s quiet voice and Tree Hugger’s outlandish way of speaking
Overcast: RainbowXSoarin
Despite her name, Overcast is extremely peppy and happy all the time. She’s VERY girly which Rainbow had a hard time dealing with at first. She’s also not a huge fan of flying but is an extraordinary masseuse. She grows up to be a trainer/physical therapist of sorts.
Honey Crisp: ApplejackxTroublehooves
This mare is huuuuuge. The strongest pony in Ponyville by far (the only pony that could come close is Geo). She’s very friendly and family oriented. She’s a bit clumsy like her father and despite being so big for so long she still hasn’t really grown into her body yet. She’s a big cuddler and ends ups squishing her victims by accident
Parade Float: PinkiePieXPartyFavor
Parade is a cheery, young stallion. He enjoys helping out with the parties his parents organize. He has very small wings but is surprisingly able to fly with them
Cicada Song: LunaXChrysalis
Cicada is a moody and edgy little guy. He thinks he’s too good for everything and is in an everlasting identity crisis. He hangs with the CMC kids sometimes in an effort to figure out what he’s good at. When he grows up he finds that his talent is singing lullabies
Morning Star: CelestiaXDiscord
Morning Star is a stellar princess and great at communicating. She’s extremely OCD and likes to keep things in order and organize things. She tries to be silly and “chaotic” sometimes but ultimately ends up being an awkward mess. She’s very frustrated that she’s not really in touch with her draconequus side.
Cinder: SpikeXEmber
Little baby dragon raised in the Dragon Lands by his parents. Spike would tell him stories of Equestria and they always resonated with him. He visits as frequently as he can. Cinder is very curious and ends up getting into lots of trouble because of it
Hunter: ScootalooXGabby
Very excitable, and rambunctious little hybrid. He’s a go getter and a troublemaker. He’s also SUPER fluffy
Peach Fuzz: AppleBloomXDiamondTiara
Kinda bossy but overall quite kind. Much like her mom, she’s very determined to find her cutiemark. She drags her friends into all kinds of adventures where she ends up making them do most of the work (which is probably why she can’t find her cutie mark)
Tacet: SweetieXButton
You’ve all seen her before! Just thought I’d put her here and giver her a mini bio. Tacet is a selective mute. She’s only able to talk to her parents sometimes and can only get a couple words out even to her closest friends. She’s an anomaly in her family since the most of them are very confident and loud. She struggles with life in the spotlight since Sweetie is a famous singer.