Originally i had the idea for Pinkie rolling arround in a food paradise, but i was too bored and i wanted to keep it simple, specially since the color is the main part in this pic, specially with the mix of purple cream, crust and green cream, all of this made to simulate real life WAM videos.
The pic is made using an A4 size paper, sharpies for the color and inked, though this time i painted the mess first without having a sketched guide, mainly since i wanted it to have a more random and less prepared look, the only thing that was sure in the mess part was the pie in her right hand, also that wave effect came out really good for being my first time trying to portray movement.
In my brain, Pinkie is saying “Hey, wanna Roll in the food” that or preparing herself for a food fight.
Please Support me in DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/supersebacx/art/Pinkie-Pied-800065942