Changelings of the Hagfish Hive often let themselves be rescued from “drowning” so they can feign admiration for their rescuer and prey on his feelings, but occasionally they’ll also turn the tables and help ponies caught in a shipwreck - that they usually caused themselves. Since ponies aren’t all THAT big on seafaring, they can’t do that too often though and have to keep a close eye on their resources. Sometimes they’ll instead disguise themselves as crew and hire aboard a ship to simply gain love and respect from fellow crew members. Since they have excellent knowledge of Horseshoe Bay and surrounding areas, many Hagfish changelings have already gotten a good filling working as helmsman or even captain. When food is extremely scarce, they tend to wander into nearby fishing towns and try their luck there. Sometimes it’s as simple as disguising themselves as an old salt and gaining love from children for telling stories.
Since most of their hive’s chambers are connected through underwater tunnels, they don’t take husks for their hive.