Vinyl: Now that’s how you do it! Do it again, show me your fangs!
Melodic Beat: Eh Ah dovink ik vagh? (Am I doing it right?)
Vinyl: You’re great! But you need to be more scary.
Melodic Beat: More scary? But you said I did it right!
Vinyl: Yeah, but fangs aren’t everything, my little bat. Don’t smile, you need to look more bloodthirsty-
Octavia: Vinyl! shouts from another room What have we been talking about-
Vinyl: Just chill out, Octy. Master Vinyl have everything under control! So, you know what I mean, BT?
Melodic Beat: Hmm. nods doubtfully
Vinyl: Don’t smile, look scary. Open your mouth and show your fangs. Keep your eyes open as wide as possible and stare at your victims, stare into their eyes. Deeply, like you can see through their soul! You need to make them believe that you’re the true creature of the night!
Melodic Beat: does what was said
Vinyl: That’s my girl! I knew there’s something inside you!
Melodic Beat: But mom, you are not scared.
Vinyl: Of course I’m not! laughs You’ll need years and years of practice to scare somepony as skilled as me! But it will be enough for our current plans.
Melodic Beat: Do you really think so?
Vinyl: I know so, kiddo!
Melodic Beat: chuckles Because I have the best mom-vampire-teacher in the world?
Vinyl: Exactly! And do you believe your best vampire mom?
Melodic Beat: I do!
Vinyl: Then you need to trust her when she tells you that this is gonna be your best Nightmare Night ever!
Melodic Beat: Wraul! tries to shout frightfully
Vinyl: actually shouts frightfully
Melodic Beat: Heheh, mom! You shouldn’t scare me!
Vinyl: tousles Beat’s mane Let’s go, BT, big stars never let their fans wait.