All right, listen up, you internet pervs. Do. Not. Upvote. This. Image. As a matter of fact, I think you should downvote it on general principle. Clearly, this artist is a talentless hack who can’t get upvotes without resorting to this shameless exercise in reverse psychology. There are literally thousands of images of already naked female bodies on this site that you could be looking at right now. You don’t have to see my naked body and I don’t want to show it to you, either. And to top it all off, you don’t even have to upvote those images to see the goodies on those girls. So please do something nice for somepony else for once in your lives: spare me my most embarrassing moment ever by downvoting this image.
My modesty thanks you in advance.-
A message from Silver Spoon:
The first sign is down. My Celestia. They’re even lovelier than I imagined. We’re almost at the point where the second sign is taken down. Oh, gosh. I can almost taste it; our victory, that is.
A new message from Silver Spoon:
You did it! Thanks, guys! I get to see Tiara’s honeypot and you get all the blame. I’m sure you can deal with her being mad at you. She may make a lot of noise but in reality she’s a pussycat. YGTLM, get off your butt and start drawing!