Trixie Next Gen! Her name (for right now) is Dream Sequence and her talent is… something to do with dreams. Not sure what exactly that is yet. But I do know that she will be Luna’s apprentice ;v; Not canon, but I might eventually let Spike and Rarity have a biological child named Lucky Streak. The spots on his flank are supposed to resemble a four-leaf clover. Speaking of four-leaf clovers, I’m spooky good at finding them all over the place and I’ll just give them out or not pick them at all, just say “oh look, there’s one” and move along. People will either be like “who the heck is she” or “aww come on I want to be able to do that!” Those two are :iconlopoddity: and :iconjointsupermodel: , sorry for spam you were just the first two that came into my head xD Headcanon for future Vinyl Scratch! I think she pulls a John Lennon, meaning she marries an exotic dude (in this case a zebra) and mellows the heck out, growing out her hair and wearing glasses and acting kinda like a hippie Fortissimo(at least, that’s her name for right now) is an Octavia x Toe Tapper child and she was the character behind my username! Her talent is playing jazz music, particularly on her trumpet. She’s kind of a hipster and what some would call a Social Justice Warrior, especially when it comes to earth pony and non-pony discrimination. Remake of my old OC Cinema Sweet! She might be a Flim Child, though not 100% sure yet. She works at the movie theater but her talent is filming and producing movies. Ego waaaaay in the distant future! She does eventually go by Celestia’s name for her, Harmony. She gains a cutie mark at a much much older age than an average pony. Also, she’s had an abrupt change in personality! I’ll go into details at a later date c; Moody Ego being herself and trying to look cool How most people perceive Ego when she makes them see what they want to see. She becomes a beautiful pegasus! Her eye type varies, but so does her build, race, and color palette. Fortissimo and Nimbus meet one day when he spectates at a Wonderbolts show and he notices her and a few others picketing just outside. One miscommunication after another leads Fortissimo to believe that he’s a stuck-up, overprivileged pegasus that believes minorities are beneath him. Needless to say Nimbus is both confused and offended
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