Apple Cart ShyAge: 19
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Mother: Fluttershy
Father: Big Macintosh Shy
Family: Applebloom (aunt) Tender Taps (uncle) Jazz Apple (cousin) Gala Apple (cousin) Applejack (aunt) Soarin (uncle) Timber Apple (adoptive cousin) Zap Apple (cousin) Pear Butter (grandma, deceased) Bright Mac (grandpa, deceased) Granny Smith (great-grandma) Mrs. Shy (grandma) Mr. Shy (grandpa) Zephyr Breeze (uncle) Treehugger (aunt) Magnesium Flow (cousin) Chakra Flow (cousin)
Sibling(s): None
Birth Date: October 4th
Species: Earth pony
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single (has crush on Arctic Navigator)
Cutiemark: Wheelbarrow of apples
Job: Helping around the orchard, making cider
Talent: Making cider
Current Residence: Ponyville
MLP:FIM Fluttershy and Big Mac belong to HasbroApple Cart Shy belongs to Me