“I know,” Twilight said. “I know. It’s okay.”
“And I don’t think about Mid-Sparkle, ow whatever her name was, anymore. I never thought of you that way,” he went on. “I think you’re… perfect.”
Twilight could feel the heat creep up her cheeks. She didn’t dare look at Flash. Instead she kept watchin Lotus’s science fair presentation. “Thanks, Flash…”
If you think this is just wishful fanfiction from this wishful fangirl, YOU ARE WRONG! This right here is an illustration form a fragment of an ACTUAL chapter book published by Hasbro: “Twilight Sparkle’s Science Fair Sparks”. Which almost definitely happens in an alternate universe where the events of “Legend of Everfree” are non-existent because IT HAS SCIFLASH, EVERYBODY!! Although yes, it wasn’t the best book EVER and I wasn’t 100% happy with how they despicted Flash’s character at times, it was a good reading, the story was short and sweet, and well… it’s the closest I’ll ever have to my OTP becoming canon </3 If you like this ship or even just Flash Sentry, I recommend you look it up!
It’s a late birthday present for and also sort of a self-birthday present for me Thanks to everyone who has wished me a happy birthday so far! And also thanks to the ones who are going to after reading this xD You’re all really sweet and I’m super grateful for ya’ll!