
Dusk walks into the main library of Twilight’s castle. He looked at the endless shelves of books. Some rescued from her old library and some brand spicken’ new.  
Flash walked into the same room with his “son” in it. He avoided him in all ways possible until he heard his name called.  
“Flash, can we talk about why you don’t make any contact with me?”  
Flash gave his son a glare of disgust. “You’re not my biological son…and you never will be.”  
Before he could leave the room calmly, Dusk forcefully shut the doors and locked them so he couldn’t get out. Flash turned around to see Dusk, a little fear-struck.  
“And what!? You think you can just neglect me?!” he shouted.  
“Your mother cheated on me with another stallion, therefore I DON’T LOVE YOU OR HER!!!!!! I’VE GIVEN YOU A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, FOOD, AND OTHER NECESSITIES!!!!!” Flash shouted at Dusk.  
“YOU WERE NEVER THERE FOR ME. I DESERVE TO BE TREATED BETTER THAN THIS. STOP PLAYING THE FAVORITES CARD AND ACCEPT ME!!” Dusk yelled, all while his horn started glowing and his body shaking with anger and frustration.  
“I’LL NEVER LOVE YOU DUSK!! NEVER!!!” Flash yelled.  
Without hesitation, he bolted to the door with Dusk following close behind. Once Dusk was in close range between him and Flash, he stuck his horn right on his flank and then…Flash was gone, never to be seen again.


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