Well; at least I’m not in the thick of it. Yeah! You earned a break! Let us do the friendshippy stuff.
I must admit; it does feel nice having other ponies do your work while you sit back and eat cake.
It does, doesn’t it?
What do you…
My favourite princess!
At last! She joins our ranks.
You’ll never really have a spotlight or interesting character developement again! The alicornification has embedded deep within!
But I want to help ponies!
Now you can help ponies by sending ponies to help those ponies.
Return to Canterlot! We have beer pong- but instead of beer we have vintage wine pong.
You store wine for centuries just to dip a plastic ball in it?
Sometimes I used decade-old cheese to make a grilled cheese sandwich.
You monster
I tried one of those; it tasted a lot like cheese.
You used a whole wheel in your sandwich, didn’t you?
Sometimes on a busy day I put icing on a few cheese wheels and ship them as pastries.
How irresponsible!
Imagine the angry customers coming back! What do you tell them?!
You clever mare, you.