>“Of course, Sweetie Belle. The girls and I rented this cabana and pool all for ourselves years ago. Rainbow Dash figured since no one else was around that she was free to sunbathe au natural. I thought it was such a grand idea that I joined her and eventually everyone joined in!”
>“Even Fluttershy?”
>“It took a while to convince her but when even Twilight joined in she finally gave in. By the end of the weekend I think she was actually reluctant to put her top back on!”
>“That’s funny. I can’t believe you actually invited me this time around.”
>“But of course, darling! It was high time that you and your friends joined our little gathering. Consider it part of your graduation celebration. Now, why don’t you drop that towel and we can catch some sun before the others arrive.”
>“Oh my! You… you certainly have grown haven’t you, Sweetie?”
>“Yeah, I’m so glad you got me that magical minimizer bra. It really helps a lot.”
>“You’re still wearing that same bra I got you? That was years ago! And you were much, MUCH smaller then. You shouldn’t still be wearing that thing! How do you even put it on?”
>“Well, it’s not easy. I kind of have to slide and stuff each boob into a cup one at a time. But eventually I get them all in.”
>“Alright, first thing we’re doing tomorrow is getting you some new bras. And new shirts since your old ones definitely won’t fit after we get you new lingerie.”
>“Aw, can’t we just get bras that stuff ‘em down as small as my old ones?”
>“Certainly not! Minimizer enchantments are meant to gently sculpt and diminish your breasts. Not hide them away in a pocket dimension!”
>“Darn! Well, I guess I’ll have to get used to showing off a little more then.”
>“We should all be so unfortunate.”