Artist’s description from DA:
I’m a big fan of the Rarity x Fancy Pants thing. Like, a BIG fan.Rarity’s climb to power after the war was not what drew Fancy to her, but rather that he just enjoyed her company every time they saw one another. Over time Rarity was highly shocked to find out Fancy Pants’ deep dark secret. He was just a normal stallion!!! DUN DUN DUUUN! He like watching hoofball, drinking cheap beer, lounging around his house in his run-down cotton pajamas, and was a sucker for romantic movies. He may have been classy every waking moment he was outside but at home he was a very chill dude who cried at least twice during Toy Story 3. He and Rarity fell madly in love when he finally saw her open up and he caught her wearing her fifteen year old fluffy pink bathrobe and her slippers that she custom ordered to look like Opalescence.They got married and had a very beautiful and pristine wedding. Their honeymoon to Bellaza was anything but.A few years later they had their only child, a daughter. Now I’d like to think that deep down the two would decide to name their child the most difficult name they could think of without going too over the top. Therefore their daughter’s name is Recherché. Say it with me, Ruh-Sher-Shay. Yeah. That’s her name. Her friends just call her Shay.
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