For everybody else, llllllllet’s get ready for textbloooooocks!
We recently saw Dash and Flutts crying happy tears in the presence of their one true baby Scootaloo, but that joyful scene was a long time coming. Anyone who has ever considered adoption knows it is an absolutely brutal process teetering so close to impossible it’s a wonder that anyone ever even succeeds in it. Scoot’s situation was particularly harrowing: as a foundling, she was all but unadoptable, as the system had to hang onto her in case some blood relative ever came knocking. Rainbow and Fluttershy literally had to wait out this time allotment whilst Scoot went without a family for years. The two mares were able to keep Scoot under their collective wing due to their involvement with the Big Brothers and Sisters of Equestria, but the wait to be a true family was no less painful. Tenderhearted Flutters agonized over this in particular, and to be honest Dash couldn’t maintain her brave face half the time either. Of course, we know that things eventually work out for the stalwart moms and their Scootababy.
This just in: contrary to popular belief, Treehugger isn’t ignorantly blissful all the time and can, indeed, experience real emotions like anger and sorrow. Like all of us she’s suffered some traumas in the past, and while she’s 99% at peace with the negativity she’s experienced, she’ll occasionally have a very dark day. When this happens Tree doesn’t like to be held or coddled, opting instead to have Songbird play music for her. The singer is pleased to oblige, though her big heart usually causes her to cry in sympathy. Emotional artists, right?
And then, sweet jimminy Christmas, there’s BonBon. As we know, Foto Finish has many fine qualities. Unfortunately, parenting BonBon wasn’t one of them. The photographer was very often absent during Bon’s foalhood, and when she WAS around she was usually a maddening, pushy bitch. Bon is thereby prone to occasional nervous freak-outs long into her adulthood. The fact that Foto went and adopted a Sean to BonBon’s Julian Lennon was the toxic icing on the resentment cake. Scream it out, candypone. Lyra’s here.
mlp:fim = Hasbro/Faust
I need you to hold all of the sadness I can not
Living inside of me…
No, I don’t know for sure if that piano can support Treehugger’s weight. You’d be amazed what I don’t know about pianos.