
I knew this day would come eventually, but here it is.  
Lyra Heartstrings and Twilight Sparkle finally decided to settle the score on who gets to have me as their colt-friend. I was just as scared as usual, since I am aware of what Twilight is capable of when she feels threatened. Like it wasn’t bad enough that they were on each others nerve over the fact that they have totally different views on Friendship and how much it should rule a soceity. Then I must admit that this is partially my fault because I tried to please both conflicting sides during the invesigations of Scorpan, my father, Discord, the cutie mark crusaders, Princess Celestia and most recently Bohemian Rhapsody. This is what I get for not chosing a side from the very start. Like it wasn’t bad enough that I actually like them both, in a romantic way.
Twilight: I am a princess of Equestria and I say he is mine!  
Lyra: That is the very reason why you shouldn’t have him! You aren’t owed anything just because of your title!  
Twilight: Look who is talking! You and your precious little “squad” almost put all of Equestria in a Civil War!  
Lyra: And you marrying Smash will immediately fix that?  
Twilight: It will at least not reward you for acting like an ungrateful bitch! That honestly think that having Smash and your other goons, physically beating up your enemies in order to “save” them.  
Lyra: That is at least better then you threatining everypony with brainwashing spells if they don’t blindly warship your ideology.  
Twilight: My ideology is obviously working, considering that I am a princess and you are not!  
Lyra: Just because you are a princess doesn’t mean that you are always right and can get away with all types of meanspirited and horrible things. While demonizing Smash, myself, Bon Bon and everypony else for doing the same thing. You are the living definition of a hypocrite! And yet you acted suprised when Starlight got tired of your shit!  
Twilight: Starlight Glimmer will learn her lesson eventually! Just like Smash and yourself will!  
Lyra: You sound more like a villian every time we meet.
Vector Credits:  
Lyra Heartstrings - tardifice  
Twilight Sparkle - decprincess  
Smash Gamer - Pony Creator  
Background - rainbowderp98


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