NOTE: Please don’t flood the comments with ‘this is how they should have looked’, because I have an important announcement; I don’t want to talk about what’s been done wrong by your standards and I don’t care. I’m really sorry to say that I just don’t want to discuss things like that. So, would you kindly keep those to yourself?
Adagio Dazzle Alone:…
Sonata Dusk Alone:…
Aria Blaze Alone:…
Aaaahhh, my favorite MLP villains~ The Sirens. Well, uh, mostly Adagio. And I kind of hate Sonata Dusk, so it’s more just ‘the group that contains my favorite villain’ than my absolute favorite. Although I genuinely love their dynamics together, individually, I love Adagio, hate Sonata, and feel ambivalent about Aria.
I designed each to represent a form of idealized beauty, not necessarily for us, but for ponies. As with information, this will be explained in their individual shots rather than the collective.
Each of the three have shared traits for Sirens; they have two fins on their heads, covering their ear-holes and their gills. They’re sharp and pointy. Touch them at your doom. They also have one (or in Aria’s case, two) mane fins, where their mane is attached. They have two antennae that function as bangs (or just plain antennas for Sonata). They have spikes covering their arms, some with webbing and some for plain old stabbing. Aria lacks a set of spikes that Sonata and Adagio have, partly due to her having two mane-fins, partly due to my oversight. They have two sets of fin sails on their fish tail, or one long unbroken one. They have spots over their hooves that match their eyeshadow/markings. Their gems are akin to cutie marks, each unique and related to what their ‘cutie marks’ were in EQG. Their hooves are pointed and have a secondary thumb point to grip prey. The Sirens in their true forms have a secondary option for consuming magic; eating the creature that produces the magic. This is only in desperate situations, since they can’t get any more magic out of a corpse, while someone under their spell is able to feed them almost indefinitely (although in small amounts). This also explains the spiked ridges on their arms and elsewhere.
All of their design choices specifically can be found on their individual pages, but here’s some stuff about the Sirens as a whole; they represent the id, ego, and superego (not in that order), and are three former Water Sprites. Water Sprites are weak creatures, but spirits of water nonetheless. They’re unable to survive without ocean water, and require guides; Kelpies. Kelpies are quite a bit larger than their charges, and have the ability to hypnotize others with their voice, but they live exclusively to ferry and care for the Water Sprites. One day, three small sprites saw that the Kelpies had the power greater than they, they began to scheme and plot, stealing the magic of their wards/servants and leaving them empty shells, growing into something entirely new… but they found themselves with powers and hypnotizing others… but something was empty. They had to keep feeding, the gems of crystallized magic embedded in their chest need to be recharged continuously, or they would die. They found that as they stole the magic out of hate and fear, that was what their magic could cause…. and so they ended up growing in power until they surfaced in Equestria, and got shoved into a portal by Starswirl The Bearded. Who apparently takes the Patrick method of getting rid of his problems, but that’s neither here nor there.
Heavily inspired by :iconearthsong9405:‘s style, especially with the tails and stuff. But I tried to make my own thing and shit.
Rules of the style?:
Unicorns all have cloven hooves with trailing fetlocks and tails unless they’re a halfbreed, in which case, they can be born with a standard tail and hooves. They can also be born with chest and tail feathers if they’re part pegasus
Alicorns have both tail feathers and unicorn tails and hooves, as well as earth pony strength.
Pegasi have feathers instead of fetlocks and have feathers on their chest and shoulders instead of fur. Feathers are the color of their mane. Halfbreeds can have feathered tails or chest feathers too or even non feathered chests and/or hooves (But all pegasi (halfbreed or not) have tail feathers.)
Hooves are the color of their eyes and horseshoes match their cutie mark’s main color. Cutie Markless ponies have grey horseshoes. Not silver (which contains blue) but just plain grey.
Ponies with unshorn fetlocks in canon (like Big Macintosh) keep their hoof colors from canon, but are rare exceptions to the rule.