Page 1146 - Bull SighHappy American Turkey Day!Time to fill up on decidedly non-turkey food, fall into a coma, dread working retail on Black Friday, and already be hearing Christmas music on every conceivable radio system.
DM: It takes some effort to get “Tom” out of the building, and then…
Discord: Well well well. Look what we have here. The Elements of Harmony. I’m positively terrified!
Rainbow Dash: Uh… You don’t sound terrified.
Twilight Sparkle: You can drop the act, Discord. Two-thirds of us are still cursed and we’re all angry at each other. If we show you a solid pratfall, will you leave us alone?
Applejack: Uh… speak for yerself? <roll> Sure, Rainbow ticked me off a little bit, but… Ah’m kinda over it?
Pinkie Pie: No matter what, we’re still comrades on the battlefield.
Discord: I see you’re using Fluttershy’s playbook with the “suck all the fun out of it” pages. Well, if I’ve miscalculated, running would be pointless anyway. Might as well get the field test confirmation. Fire when ready, girls. It’s been an honor taking over your world.
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