Page 1073 - Chaos ClubGoing frame-by-frame means learning how the eye-blinks are patterned out in the animation, which is exactly as boring as it sounds. However, sometimes it gives you a lovely screencap where one character’s eyes are narrowed before everyone else’s, like so.
Rainbow Dash: The… “first” rule?
Discord: The second rule is: Everyone has to play, or the game is over.
Rainbow Dash: And… the third rule?
Discord: Oh no, those two are quite sufficient. If anyone gives up, forfeits, breaks out, escapes, cheats, or otherwise breaks the rules… If any one of you loses the game, you ALL lose. And I win. You’ll never be able to use the Elements against me, and I’ll rule this world in chaos for another eternity.
Twilight Sparkle: So… your job is to drive us so insane we give up on the game?
Applejack: And what if we don’t give up? Are we trapped forever?
Discord: Let me put it this way… If you really ARE the best of friends, then all of this is a moot exercise. But I guess we’ll see! GOOD LUCK, EVERYPONY! AHAHAAAA!
Discord GM: Discord disappears in a flahs of light… and I take my seat at the table, behind the screen.
Rarity: …he said, narrating his real-life actions as well as his fictional ones.
Discord GM: …she said, without so much as a mote of self-awareness.
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