Page 1069 - Nice TryIt’s a very distinctive type of maze.I am so glad my lukewarm take about riddles last comic was met with validation and fruitful discussion about puzzles in general. Not what I expected.
Twilight Sparkle: Obviously, it’s a play on where we all “began.” The Elements of Harmony are the objects we’re all focused on. Our friendship, and our triumph as Bearers, started at the old castle! It’s all a clever past-is-present nostalgia trip!
DM: <AHEM!> Just… roll Perception, please.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh… okay? <roll> Oof. 17.
DM: Out of the tower window, you spot a massive hedge maze installation out in the palace gardens. Even Celestia is staring out at it, with an expression like, “I’m not sure it was that large yesterday…”
Twilight Sparkle: What? A hedge maze?! How were we supposed to come up with that??
DM: I don’t know, by investigating first?
Applejack: Y’ever been to a corn maze? The exit’s usually near the start. “Twists and turns, then back where you began.”
Rarity: It’s a hedge maze. The goal is at the center.
Applejack: Oh. Then phooey.
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