Page 708 - Tele-SchadenfreudeMight as well make a prompt for the unusual situation:Any stories about expecting a player to respond to something in-game one way, but instead they react - not just a little differently - completely the opposite?
DM: …so they just flew over the train anyway.
DM: Okay, turning that down…
Twilight Sparkle: You’re… not mad?
Applejack: Why would Ah be? This is all insane, but… Heh heh heh! After the night Ah’ve had, hearin’ y’all be yer silly selves is juuust fine.
Fluttershy: So this is what you wanted Applejack to do?
Applejack: Dunno, maybe? Doesn’t matter now. Ah like this way too much.
DM: You said, “Applejack doesn’t want to tell, end of story.”
Fluttershy: …But she didn’t know we’d be going to see her, did she?
Applejack: Nope. Shoulda figured, really.
Rainbow Dash: So NOW can we know what’s going on?!
Applejack: Right, right. Might as well tell ya mahself. Here’s mah secret shame. Hope it was worth all the– Pffffaahaha!
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