Page 706 - Untwists and No TurnsStory Time’s taking way longer than I thought, especially with my even-busier-than-normal schedule lately. Not helping things was one of my presumed story/screencap combos utterly failing in execution, forcing me to go back to the 700-page drawing board. Sitting at 30% and forced to juggle to more pressing issues for the immediate future, I’m gonna just have to say Story Time 3 will be done when it’s done.
DM: Applejack makes a run for it.
Rainbow Dash: NOW can I tackle her?!
Twilight Sparkle: Go for it.
DM: I won’t even make you roll. At this point, she’s got no options and nowhere else to run. As you knock her over, the contents of her saddlebags go flying: Almost a dozen multicolored rodeo ribbons.
Applejack: …Fine. Now you know.
Rainbow Dash: What? Huh?
Fluttershy: Wait…
Rarity: Oh dear.
Rainbow Dash: …No. NO. It can’t be. All this for…?!
Twilight Sparkle: Hold on, what’s going on here?
Pinkie Pie: Someone tell me!
DM: What the… Is that…? Why’s she calling me now?
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