Page 630 - Redemption RunThus ends the eighth arc of Friendship is Dragons, a.k.a. The Ticket Master Part 1, a.k.a. Fall Weather Friends! Thanks for reading.A palette cleanser of a handful of guest comics and probably another IDW mini-arc follows.When we return (in about four or five weeks, I’m not sure of the exact date yet), we’ll be following the story of Hurricane Fl- uh… The Last Rou- y’know, can I really say I can predict where this is going anymore? Well, I look forward to finding out with you next time!
Applejack: She swooped in and beat us in the middle of our own rivalry. Ah think she’s gonna be more the talk of the town than we are.
Rainbow Dash: Besides, it was her Dungeoneering roll- er… knowledge… that found the tomb in the first place. She literally found it.
Princess Celestia: I see. Twilight Sparkle, what do you think?
Twilight Sparkle: Um… I appreciate it, but you guys worked hard for this today. I wouldn’t want to take that from you.
Applejack: Take it as a gesture from the both of us. One that says, “We’re sorry and we learned our lesson.”
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we wouldn’t have really earned this one. We can always find another way.
Twilight Sparkle: I… guess it’ll be nice to have mine already dealt with.
Princess Celestia: Very well. I’ll push to have Twilight Sparkle approved for the Gala when I get back to Canterlot. There’s one more thing I can ask of you two, though. Unfortunately, because the two of you were tricking each other instead of shaking down leaves, many of the lovely trees of Equestria are still covered.
Applejack: What, you want us to go for a run and knock off the rest?
Rainbow Dash: Heh. Alright. A normal run, no cheating. That actually sounds… nice.
DM: The two of you continue down the road, knocking the leaves off the trees as you go, leaving behind a cascade of the autumn spectrum. That, I think, will be the end of tonight’s session. And WOW, is it late.
Rarity: A chaotic competition with surplus of rolled dice will do that.
Pinkie Pie: Wait, does that mean these two get ANOTHER ticket-earning session? Is it gonna be just as crazy as this one?
Applejack: Actually, I’m gonna be super-late next week, so I’ve got an idea to do mine kinda offscreen. I think I’ve had enough focus.
Rainbow Dash: You do that. I, on the other hand, have some honor to earn back.
Fluttershy: Well, I think this was nice. I liked how all the worldbuilding and drama worked out. I hope the rest are like this.
DM: That’s the idea.
Twilight Sparkle: <sigh> There goes my idea of finishing Starswirl the Bearded’s final spell…
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