So here’s the thing….we knew going into the EP that AJ was concerned about her old friend and the crazy ass manager that she was working for. Kind of had a Leap of Faith feel to it with AJ knowing Granny Smith was getting utterly screwed over but didn’t know how to go about it. :O So yeah I decided to flip the script on that and completely 180ed it. It’s kind of like a Hollywood thing where you go in there expecting things to work out in your favor and then you get turned to the dark side of the business and now you are the one with the power and whatever. :P I kind of made AJ in a sense get a deal she couldn’t refuse and in a sense gave into her money earning ways. Oh AJ. Why AB? Well….it’s AB…she was in the EP going in after all. :P
Anyway hope you guys like this comic. I am actually uploading this comic from Ciderfest (convention in Milwaukee) right now so I don’t have a lot of time to type all this out and stuff. Next week we got the finale and I got a superb comic for that one planned and I might turn something in that like a Spitfire/Derpy or Wereluna like series. :D We’ll see.
How I did it: Paper then Photoshop CS6
Applebloom, Applejack © Hasbro
Art © Me