Squish thought briefly about the empty potion vial that lay a few feet away, a drop still glistening in the light as it hung from the lip. She hoped she had written down what she had put in this batch, the results were much more fun that she could have ever anticipated. Despite how large her belly had become, practically a bed in and of itself, Squish’s new rubbery form had barely tightened at all! She could squeeze her gut between her hind legs so much so that the top of her normally feathery chest bulged out to press into her beak (which she promptly did), eliciting only more airy giggles from the gryphon. She felt so soft, so malleable, so squishy! “Heehee, Squishy’s squashy…” she mumbled to herself, lifting her belly up and letting it fall back down, her body wrinkling and bending about much as a partially deflated toy normally would. And yet Squish could see just how big she was, how it would appear to any observer as if there shouldn’t be any more room for her to grow. And yet still she could, she was sure of it, with how much give her body had. But that wasn’t what she wanted.
The object of her affection was instead the valve that had appeared on her belly. How it sank into her gut despite her squeezes, how the vinyl of her body bulged around it as she pressed in with all her limbs, the valve refusing to open. Squish let out a soft grunt and giggle as a blush crossed her face. She supposed it wasn’t exactly the valve she was so focused on, but everything behind it. All that air, all that puffiness, the swirls of pleasure that flowed through her body with every push and press on her form. She squished her gut again, feeling her belly bulge out, the valve almost, barely, just the tiniest bit seeming to nudge at the shift in pressure, and it was that tiny little shift that Squish so desperately desired.
Why she was suddenly so fixated on the feeling of air rushing out of that valve, she wasn’t quite sure (the small bits of her mind that hadn’t quite been air-ified presumed the potion must have done something, whatever that something was), but she just had to have it. She craved it, she dreamed of it, of that valve popping open, letting the swirling air rush out in a stream of pleasure as Squish rolled onto her belly, staring down through her translucent tummy at the small plastic hole. But through some cruel twist of fate, no matter how Squish tried, how she leaned into her gut, how she lifted her flumpy belly up with one claw and stretched with the other, how she kicked and reached and whined, she could not reach the valve. It simply stuck there in her belly, taunting her with how it imprisoned all that air inside her. Squish tugged on her tail, pulling the valve at the end of it closer to her beak. She could reach this one just fine, of course. ‘Of course’, her mind muttered to itself. As if this potion had been specifically designed to taunt her, the valve at the end of her tail absolutely refused to let any air out. She could pop the cap off and press and squish down on her tail and gut all she wished, but not so much as a molecule of air would seep through that valve.
She bit down on the open valve, giving a few frustrated huffs as her cheeks bulged out. She watched her gut expand, swelling out and out, pressing into her claws. But no matter how she huffed, she remained as squishy as ever, the pleasure only seeming to grow worse as that stubborn valve on her belly remained sealed tightly shut. She knew this wouldn’t work, she had huffed herself up so large she could now serve as a bed for King Grover himself, but it was all she could do that felt like it did anything. That, and continue to push her claws into her gut, and squeeze it between her lion paws. Her blush only grew brighter as the air shifted around inside her, causing her rear to swell up as she rocked atop her large belly.
She pushed herself off of her gut as best as she could while her claws still sank up to her feathery elbows in the vinyl. Wobbling unsteadily on her paws, she squeezed her belly once more, giggling despite her frustration. She was just so soft. So bouncy. So rubbery. So squishy. She pulled her belly in, letting her chest push up and smother her beak somewhat, nuzzling the squeaky rubber. She stared through herself once more at the valve, huffing as she massaged her belly, watching the way her gut creased and folded about her claws. As she did, she noticed a little something else beyond the valve. Her closet. Her gut was wide… much wider than the door… and perhaps…. Big enough not to fit? Squish’s blush brightened. Her airy mind didn’t think why that thought was so… enticing but…
Waddling towards her closet, Squish’s belly bounced with every squashy step. Her claws fumbled with the knob, the air inside her shifting about to mimic the fluttery butterflies of anticipation. Opening with a creak, the door revealed the rather cramped and bare closet of the gryphon. It was far too small to ever bother putting things inside, but Squish grinned as she eyed the small space. Pushing forward, Squish’s belly pressed into the sides of the walls, squeezing her in such a way she couldn’t help but let out a soft hiss of air akin to a moan from her beak. She took another step forward, her gut squishing itself in to fill the space in its entirety. Despite how big she was, how every bit of logic stated that a toy so full of air as herself should never be able to fit, Squish’s belly mushed and folded and creased and pushed itself tighter to allow her to squeeeeeze into the space.
The door shut behind her with a click, and Squish flopped back against it, staring it how her belly bulged, protesting being placed in such tight quarters. Her claws twitched as she placed them down on her gut, allowing them to just barely rest atop the rubber. And she squished. Squish would have let out another airy moan, had her belly not just ballooned out to smother her beak, her eyes shutting and legs instinctively contracting at such a rush of pleasure. This only squeezed her gut more, causing her to press down harder, her claws rubbing along every bit of her belly as they could. Squish sank into herself, her belly shifting as she squirmed, the pressure behind that immovable valve grew more and more. “Tighter!” Was the only coherent thought she could muster, her tail flicking about as she pushed her hips into her malleable gut. She pushed, she squirmed, she writhed, she squished, slumping down as her belly seemed to tower over her into the tight confines of the closet. Squish opened one eye to allow herself to peek up at her soft, puffy body, her beak pressed tightly into her gut. A grin crossed her beak as she squeezed herself again, squeaks and creaks filling the closet. Squish wasn’t sure if she could ever get that valve to open, but she was very much going to enjoy trying.