Page 531 - Confidential InformantWhoops, nearly had this scheduled for 6 PM instead of 6 AM…Any stories about being turned (or people trying to turn you) against the organization you worked for?
Applejack: Would our resident thief care to weigh in on this?
Rarity: Ex-thief. And no, no I would not! I was blacklisted, if you’ll recall! There’s no evidence that the Guild is involved, anyway!
Pinkie Pie: But who else would it be?
Rarity: How should I know? Perhaps it’s some fanatic in town, seeking revenge.
Applejack: Are you… covering for the Guild??
Rarity: <sigh> Rarity truly does not know anything about this. But even if she did, she’s not going to instantly sell out the organization that both raised her and… removed her. That’s against both her principles and her common sense!
Rainbow Dash: But Celestia gave you a freaking pardon. I mean, basically. You’re still gonna stick with the side that grounded you?
Twilight Sparkle: Look. If the Guild asked you to slander Luna tonight, would you?
Rarity: …
Twilight Sparkle: I’m gonna leave that question dangling there and move on.
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