Page 461 - Working Class WisdomThere are few foes more tenacious for a group of adventurers than the well-oiled machine of commerce.…Wow, could I have possibly written a more purple way of saying “Merchants and adventurers tend to not get along in my experience”?More specifically, what I mean is: It’s amazing how often PCs try to undercut merchants in some ways, and intriguing how simple merchants have ended up being the most tenacious, resilient, and cunning villains I’ve ever encountered. I feel like, for some reason, there’s just a natural incongruity there.
DM: Well, since Twilight’s finally getting comfortable, it’s probably time to switch to Applejack’s perspective.
Applejack: Actually, no need for that, DM.
DM: And why is that?
Applejack: Well, all Ah’m tryin’ to do is get a barn replaced. Ah figure Ah can call on my extended family to chip in for supplies and help raisin’ it. And why pay for a whole demolition crew when we already got Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow Dash: Hey, I’m not your wrecking ball! Trapped zebra doors notwithstanding.
Applejack: I’d pay you, o’ course.
Rainbow Dash: …Just point me and stay the heck out of my way.
Twilight Sparkle: You’re going to all this trouble to avoid a major contractor?
Applejack: Yeah, pretty much. Given all the corruption we talked about, it was startin’ to smell like a trap.
DM: <sigh> “Curses. Once again, I am foiled by your savvy and pragmatism.”
Applejack: Oh, so they were bad? Hope yer not disappointed.
DM: Nah. Chances are, I would’ve had to roleplay as a PR rep. I just don’t think I can be that evil today.
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