Page 270 - What You MissedIn the comments, tell a story about something that happened while the DM was out of the room.
DM: Alright, I’m back. Rarity will be joining us in a little bit.
Twilight Sparkle: Welcome! We were just debating on whether I should tell Celestia about Rarity.
Fluttershy: It was awful…
DM: Oh boy.
Applejack: It quickly turned into an alignment argument… Y’know, “since me and Twilight are Lawful Good, doesn’t that mean we don’t tolerate a thief?”
Rainbow Dash: Then I was like, “That’s totally not fair. She’s an Unaligned Rogue. I’m a Chaotic Evil Barbarian. Why aren’t I getting any flak?”
Pinkie Pie: And then I said, “Let’s get ALL the secrets out! Rarity’s a thief! Rainbow Dash is a psycho! Applejack’s an embezzler!!”
Applejack: <sigh> Anyway, it was all downhill from there. …Ah DON’T embezzle.
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