Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


After a long day of work in the orchards, Apple Jack looked around for the blue pegasus that had helped her all throughout the busy harvest. As she looked around to thank her, she couldn’t seem to find a trace of her anywhere. She curiously wondered around the orchard to find her friend, but she couldn’t even find a hoof print to lead her in the right direction.
Then, as she happened to pass the creak behind Sweet Apple Acres, she managed to stumble across her friend. A smile grew on her face as she approached, only for it to disappear after seeing her friend in a bit of a saddened mood. She walked over beside her and finally piped up. “What’s got you so low sugar cube?” she said with a bit of a disheartened tone.
As Apple Jack’s presence was made known, this caused Rainbow Dash to flinch a bit, unable to look at her friend. “What? oh! yea! Awesome as always” she said, trying to persuade her friend that she was better than she truly was. Though, she would only get a disapproving look from AJ, knowing she wasn’t quite telling the truth.
“Come on now, you know full well that ain’t the truth. What’s wrong Dash?” She said, her tone sounding just as disapproving as her stare, though softening as she spoke. AJ walked over and sat down beside Rainbow, giving a rightfully concerned look at her, though Rainbow looking down at the calm water instead.
After a few long and issolated few moments of silence, Rainbow Dash piped up, taking a breath before hand.
“Do you… ever feel like… what you wanted before isn’t what you want now?” she asked curiously, her words a lot less energetic than usual. Apple Jack only gave her a bit of a confused look as she processed what she was asked. “uh… i’m not quite sure i understand…”  
Rainbow Dash looked a bit confused herself as she tried to figure out a way to express her feelings.
“I mean…” she paused. “…when i was a filly, i dreamed of being a Wonderbolt. it was all I ever wanted! and now that I have it… i just… doesn’t feel as satisfying.” she said, looking more defeated than ever into the creek below her hooves. Apple Jack didn’t truly know how to respond in a way that would help out her friend. In fact, it was quite heart-wrenching to hear that her friend felt this way. Especially having seen her striving for such a goal all this time.
She took a moment, looking into the water as well as she gathered her words. “well… If i’m truly honest, i think i do understand in a way. When i was just a little filly, i always wanted to bring up the farm and fill the place granny had filled before. i was always raisin my family and they sure as hay were raisin me right back. Though, as i grew, i wasn’t always so sure of myself that this was what i wanted to do, even with my experiences of gettin my cutiemark and all.” she said, pausing for a moment before realizing her words were only bringing her friend to a worse state.
As Rainbow hunched over, AJ reached out a hoof and placed it over rainbows. “But.” she said with an accompanying smile. “i realized that what i was doing wasn’t all that i could do. Just as i could buck apples, i could sell ‘em, and then i could expand that sellin, and then i could share my talent with the rest of equestria.” she said, Rainbow finally meeting her eye to eye.
“what i’m tryin to say here is, that the Wonderbolts is just a step. we might be gettin on in years and you may think that that’s all that’s left, but you could go on to speed race some other places. train other ponies to be the best, just as Spitfire had for you in that trainin camp. “ Apple Jack looked to her friend and gave a warm smile, keeping her hoof rested on Rainbows as a supportive gesture.
“you just need to expand your horizons, sugar cube. As someone who’s known you for most of her life, i sure as hay know that you’re not one to give up. So don’t give up now, cause i sure as sheckles won’t let you.” she said, Rainbow silently reciprocating that same warm smile. She looked at AJ and couldn’t help but break the tension in that moment by giving a soft snort, nudging her shoulder with her wing.
“You always know how to make me smile AJ” she said, looking down at the water for a silent moment, and after a few silent moments, as they both went to speak, Rainbow leaned against her friend and spoke with a surprisingly gentle tone.
“Thank you”
Milestooooone!!!!! Gosh i love every single one of y’all!!!!!
i thought for this milestone i would give a bit of insight on one of my oldest and guiltiest of pleasure otps! i love these two and honestly a part of me coudn’t give them up. This doesn’t cut into my HC of RariJack in the EqG Canon, but i always felt like these two fit more in the ponyverse than the EqG verse.
In this headcanon, i have Rainbow struggling a bit with her thoughts on being a wonderbolt. It’s been something she’s stried for for so long and now she’s feeling… tired of it???? it makes her both frustrated and confused. She achieved her goals but doesn’t know where to go next. This leads to her overthinking multiple areas in her life that might have brought her to this state, only for her to get down on herself because of it.
Apple Jack is the leading force that grounds Rainbow in the Universe. Rainbow has always excelled in going above and beyond at her sport and other places in her life, but she absolutely SUCKS at getting a straight train of thought. With AJ in her life, they may but heads, but they need each other to coexist. Apple Jack doesn’t know how to take risks, she tries to act like she does but after many many mistakes with trying to sell things at Sweet Apple Acres, she realizes she doesn’t excel at it.
Rainbow, on the other hand, has trouble staying grounded. Having always been high in the sky both literally and figuratively, it’s hard for her to stay on course with her thoughts. She pushes Apple Jack to take risks and try new things that she wouldn’t have first thought to do, at least in her business. Apple Jack helps Rainbow keep understandable goals and on the right track.
It’s cute and i love them so much ;v;


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