But fear not, as I am now settled, and will try and get updates out more frequently again, and maybe I might include some of my friends in future updates. The ponies Im with here are Partway, a really super cool magician whos able to take her body apart, (hehe, imagine what I could do if she showed me that spell!) who I met recently, and my best friend from, Wifi-Hotspot. Shes actually the one who uploads my updates to the internet. Her horn apparently allows her to pick up all sorts of things. Oh and in the back there is Jr, I was introducing everypony to each other, so were all one big group of friends. Ive since made a few more friends, like Vertex, and Moonlight, but I sadly couldnt arrange to meet them in time.
This takes me to a more serious part. Since moving, I barely have enough money to spent outside of food, and as Jr is a professional photographer, he does need a fee. So to help us both, Ive decided to set up a donations button which will help us greatly in getting updates out. Please dont feel obligated to donate, or that were begging or anything, its just, doing these takes time, and if any of you wonderful followers could help out even a little, it would be very much appreciated.
To go out on a good note, weve been planning another video, which Im hoping youll all like. Ive had to really get into shape for this next show!
Once again, we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the huge amount of support weve received. We hope you didnt find the wait too long. Were still around and are far from finished. Until next time, Bubblegum out~
You can find Jrs Blog here - http://toggafreggin.tumblr.com/
You can find Partways Blog - http://partway-mist.tumblr.com/
You can find Vertexs Blog here - http://vertex-the-pony.tumblr.com/