一份给@Vkorpela 的无偿产图~
自从上次完成了那张黑杰克x小皮的产图之后咱对这类主题是产生了浓厚的兴趣啊 脑子里”噗噗噗”地冒出来了不少点子 恰好这段时间闲在家里着实无所事事于是乎就开始把脑子里的主意画出来啦 正好距离上次给多云组产图已经有一段时间了所以就先选定这俩小可爱作为首批啦效果看来还不错哟(你问我为什么没有开学?这一切都得从一只蝙蝠讲起…………😂💦)(是的没错 三连)
While Dopami bury himself in writing, he heard the approaching hooves sound and looks up, then he saw his beloved Rainbow Dash looking at himself with a meaningful eyes……
A little gift for @Vkorpela~
Since the last time I finished dat artwork of Blackjack x Littlepip, I’ve been interested in dat kinda theme, many ideas came out in my tiny brain. Recently I was really idle at home, so I began to draw those ideas in my mind. It’s been a while since I draw something for the Dopadash last time, so I chose these two adorable lovers as the first roll%% and the final artwork seems pretty good (You ask me why I aint back to school? Let’s start with a bat…………(If U know wat I mean~))