Twilight Sparkle: Rarity! Rarity! Where are you?!
Applejack: Twilight! A little quieter! Rarity now has a haircut and said she does not want anyone disturbing her!
Twilight Sparkle: Uf, ok. Who makes her hairstyle?
Applejack: Fluttershy and Starlight.
Twilight Sparkle: Was not Fluttershy going to deal with music, and Starlight decorations?
Applejack: Fluttershy has already arranged for the choir, and Starlight asked Pinkie to decorate the rooms.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh … I hope it burns it all out.
Applejack: It will be good! And even better!
Pinkie Pie: Hi girls !!!!! Rarity is ready? !!!!!! ?????
Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy and Starlight make her hairstyle.
Rainbow Dash: Hi! I just finished talking to Wonderbolts. And for a moment I watched the rooms being decorated.
Applejack: I hope you do not fail this show. After all, it’s Rarity’s wedding …
Rainbow Dash: Well, something! Wonderbolts is the best team in Equestria!
Fluttershy: Girls … I … I have a surprise for you.
The girls enter the room where Rarity is located.
Starlight: And how? I was trying very hard with Fluttershy!
Twilight Sparkle: * crying * She is … beautiful … oh no! I will be crying sooner than at my wedding!
Rarity: Easy * smiling * I’ll be crying more hehe! * hugs girls *
Suddenly there is a knock at the door.
Applejack: What if it’s Fancy Pants ?! He can not see Rarity in a wedding dress!
Pinkie Pie: I’ll see who it is!
Pinkie Pie: Hi! O! Hi Arrow Radium!
Arrow Radium: Good morning, Aunt Pinkie. Can I see mommy?
Pinkie Pie: * blushes * ooo, of course, the sweetie!
Arrow Radium: Hi mother.
Rarity: Arrow! Hello Darling! You look beautiful.
Arrow Radium: No mother. You look the most beautiful today.
Rarity: * sobs * Thank you, darling! I hope that Fancy Pants will also think so …
Arrow Radium: Mommy, if you chose him to become your husband, he must think that you are the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria!
Girls: Ooo!
Rarity: Thank you. Oh! The ceremony should start right away!
Rainbow Dash: So let’s get down! Young! Bring flowers!