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Narration by discord. As winter is wrapped up in equistria, Ancient instinct s ingrained since before the time of commander hurricane take over. This black coated Pegasus has chosen a alicorn felmale as his mate. Slowly the male inhales and procedes to inflate a bladder in his chest to show off his plumage. Slowly he will exchale to deflate his plumage , a robin like chirp is produced. The alicorn has taken notice our black coated friend needs to hurry in the distance I see a light amber colored Pegasus approaching. If a fight breaks out the female alicorn will fly back to her nest. Slowly he lowers his front legs and spreading his back legs to present his testi and wingspan. Based on the non flight extension of the alicorns wing’s she is aroused. Soon cloppers and shippers will arrive to witness the final product of the black coated Pegasus dancing. DISCORD, what have you done to thunderlane! I’ve startled the female alicorn she will most likely attack I must flee back to fluttershy’s cottage. I’m discord and this was a EBC production. .
- Comment from Equestria Daily too golden not to share.
Alternative title: “Are thou wooed yet, mylady?”Once upon a time I declared on tumblr that the Internet needed pigeon inspired pegasus mating dance. It has now been provided and I regret nothing.
Also am excuse to finally try and draw Thunderlane, ’cuz I like his design. This was awfully fun to draw.Enjoy[Update] Someone honoured me so, by writing a cute little fanfic based on this. Check it out! www.fimfiction.net/story/21502… [/update]