So if i would call Obama a Nigger, Merkel a Desert-Vag, Putin a Vodka addict or Erdgan a Goatfucker … which one would get me into jail? Probably the latter. Which one SHOULD get me into jail? None. Jokes have no rules, no laws, no boudaries. Besides, goatfucker ain’t even that harsh. I wonder if that dude even knows who Toriel is.
Edit: Just to clarify my point. This is about the issue of legal consequences to purely verbal humor. This is NOT about justifying hurting someone or justifying making someone feel uncomfortable. And this is especially not about justifying pranks… i don’t like pranks either.
The background story is that the german comedian “Jan Böhmermann” was legally charged after mockingly insulting the Turkish president Erdogan. this shouldn’t be possible because it’s a form of restricting free speech.
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