A DA request for yangiscool
He wanted a piece that’s a sequel of the zizum requests of Forced Brides - Zephyrdash >>1572484 and Forced Brides - Flimjack >>1572486
Basic idea is the Flim Flam brothers and Zephyr Breeze get tied up and Twily, Dash, AJ, and Flutters take out some kinky revenge on them. So here’s Dominatrix Dash ready to give Zephyr Breeze spanking with Fluttershy’s help to teach her brother a lesson on that whole forced bride thing.
Fluttershy’s color scheme was easy enough to do, since her rubberdoll gear was inspired by this. Dash’s color scheme was originally going to be black like her paddle, then I remembered how Suirano likes to draw Dash in purple >>1657465 So I went with that. Zephyr’s ‘clothing’ was going to blue, then I remembered the old song tangerine speedo by caviar. Background is similar to the one used in Kinky Revenge - FlimJack >>1657462