I have a few characters that are not from Equestria (named Marelan.) The rest of the characters are all next-gen.
Name: Hurricane Force
Gender: Mare
Age: Young Adult
Species: Pegasus
Special Talent: Ecology
Occupation: Nature Preservationist
–Mother: Rainbow Dash
–Father: Thunderlane
–Younger Brother: Sonic Thunder
Background: Hurricane was the first born of Rainbow and Thunderlane. Though her mother loved her very much, she was quietly disappointed that Hurricane did not possess the fire and competitiveness that she herself did. Hurricane participated in as many flying classes and extracurriculars as she could to please her mother, but she was never quite made out to be a Wonderbolt like her mother had hoped.
Hurricane befriended Fluttershy as a young foal, before her tragic death, and was very close with her. It was Fluttershy who helped her realize that she had an interest in nature. Hurricane was absolutely devastated at her Aunt Fluttershy’s passing, and withdrew afterward. Still, she became set on taking over Fluttershy’s animal preserve; she helped direct everything until she became an adult, at which time she completely took over control of the preserve.
Personality: Hurricane is a very quiet mare. The passing of such a close loved one as such a young age effected her deeply, and caused her to retreat into her shell. She is somewhat reminiscent of Fluttershy herself, with her quiet demeanor and difficulty opening up. However, she has a bit of a temper, and will snap if you press her.
Other Notes:
Hurricane detests Entropy and Discord, blaming them for Fluttershy’s death.