Spitfire, the daughter of a weather factory CEO and Clouds Dale Entrepreneur, Stormy Flare, is a hard working and very very stubborn mare. Even when she was a filly she had been one of the most picky and stubborn ponies in her class.
From a young age, her and her mother, Stormy Flare, had had a close relationship. They always had there own versions of a girls day and would often share little stories of their days in school or work. At least stories that Stormy was willing to share and were appropriate for her little filly.
Though Spitfire had a good relationship with her mother, she hadn’t really had that good of a relationship with her father. Her father was good, average you could say, but he always had a bit of a problem when it came to insults. Although he would play them off as jokes half the time, Spitfire’s father had a knack for sticking insults where they hurt. This, of course, got under Spitfire’s and Stormy’s skin, but it was small enough that they could look over it.
Though, unbeknownst to Spitfire, it wasn’t just small words. Little insults would grow into more verbal abuse than anything else. Each day pushing by, more and more insults aimed towards her and her mother. Each insult hurled at her would only tick away more and more at her self esteem and mental image. Her dreams constantly put down for being too outlandish, too brash and outside of what a traditional mare should be. According to her father.
Spitfire had wished to stand up to her father when it came to these things but she simply didn’t have the mind to do such a thing. Especially when it came to someone who always seemed to be above her in both familial standing and social standings. How could she stand to face up to the one pony that had constantly berated her and put her down for being a lesser pony simply because of her aspirations and who she was?
Though, this changed for the worse when Spitfire had the courage to come out as a lesbian to her parents. Entrusting them to support her, or at least understand, Spitfire would only be met with half satisfaction when her mother, of course, supported her, but her father’s insults only seemed to get worse. Day by day he would casually or not so casually poke fun at Spitfire’s sexuality. Each insult, or “joke”, would get more harsh and seem less understandable. At least to Spitfire. When finally having the courage to tell her father to quit his “jokes” and that they hurt quite a lot, she was only met with a bit of an underwhelming response of chuckles and more insults.
“Come now honey. It’s only a joke. Don’t act so spineless.” He would say. Undermining her issues with his insults and berating words.
There was only so much Spitfire could take. After years of seeing not only her being undermined, made fun of, pushed aside, seen as unequal, and more, but also her mother, Spitfire could no longer take the mistreatment. She pleaded with her mother to understand, to see that she just couldn’t take it anymore, her mother could only give her daughter a hug with tears in her eyes and wish her daughter to live with strength and to do what was needed to be a better mare.
After saying final goodbyes and Stormy Flare giving her daughter a sum of money to help her along the way, Spitfire had gotten a small apartment after a small amount of time. After finishing her high school education and paying rent through the secret help of her mother and her then roommate and friend Soarin’, Spitfire was able to get a small job while she had trained to finally achieve her dream that was put down so many times before.
She had put so much time and effort towards her dream from then on. No breaks. Work, training, eat, sleep, repeat. No questions. No nothing. With years of training along side her friend Soarin’, They were able to enroll in the Wonderbolts academy, only to put in more time towards their dreams. Only now, they were close than ever. Needless to say, they were able to finally achieve their goals with years of blood, sweat, and tears.
When the Cloudsdale newsletters had received word of the new recruits and older retirees, Spitfire would also receive word from her mother. After years of hesitation, heartbreak, and eventually therapy, her mother had finally got the courage to divorce her husband. She had not only received the letters from Spitfire about her achievements, but also had seen the wonderful news in the paper! her Daughter was a wonderbolt… If her daughter had the courage to reach her dreams when being scolded all those years, she, as a mother, had he courage to escape, herself.
Spitfire had finally felt peace after all this time. Her mother was safe, she was safe, and not only her, but life long friends were wonderbolts along side her. Nothing could be better.
Though, after recently becoming a wonderbolt, she had the honour of being invited to her first honourary after party at one of her first shows. And there, she would meet one of the most energetic and downright fabulous ponies she had ever seen. And the spark would only grow from there… Despite their equal leveled stubbornness.
The wives! the wives!!
I was so excited to do a piece on the lesbian™
I’m so glad y’all were too!!
Thank you guys all for the new support and likes and llamas and aaaah!!