All credit to the original artist for these wonderful pics. Permission was sought and given to make the recolors before uploading them. Please support the original artist on Patreon if you can.
Individual images:
Twilight: >>1844878
No Glasses: >>1844862
Reolor: 2314060
No Glasses Recolor: >>2314059
Midnight Sparkle Recolor: >>2314069
Rainbow: >>1858149
Recolor: >>2318876
Kotobukiya Recolor: >>2318831
Fluttershy: >>1818804
Recolor: >>2314413
Rarity: >>1875863
Recolor: >>2314288
Pinkie: >>1834273
Recolor: >>2314300
Applejack: >>1900428
Recolor: >>2314307
Sunset: >>1912262
Recolor: >>2314325