Starring poci20Their is a story whatever behind each picture, considering I’m gonna animate these. So in any case, since nobody comments other than my comics and ask things, you have a chance to guess what happened. If you get it right, I will progress with what else is happening on that specific map in some way, GOOD LUCK!! Note their is more than one correct answer(possibly).Also since their is a lot of models and such that people created, please feel free to give me a link in the comments to a SFM related thing to try out. Whether map, gun, effect, character, hat or some other etc. Please you’ll be helping me out ALOT! You can even suggest a created character you made, or if you don’t know the link you can just suggest something like a known character and I’ll see if Steam has it.Just one word, one word can proceed this picture’s story. COME ON!!Modeling don’t know what to say here (c) (me)
SFM was used don’t know what to say here
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