This is an AU where their special talents are a little different and so are their stories and families.
Twilight’s a blank flank when she arrives in Ponyville. She’s still Princess Celestia’s direct pupil, but is one among many. Finding herself being bullied by the others about her lack of a cutie mark, Celestia sends her to Ponyville for some relief. She’s a lot more insecure than her main universe counterpart, and is less skilled in magic as a result of her lack of confidence.
Rarity’s talent is specifically her dressmaking. She is also a direct decendent of Princess Platinum, meaning she doesn’t have to worry about money troubles. She lives in a mansion in the center of town with her sister. However, both her parents died after Sweetie Belle was born. Her mother died in childbirth and her father committed suicide shortly after. She is a bit of a workaholic and can work for days on end, lucky for her sister they have butlers that can care for her when her sister’s on a work binge.
Applejack’s talent is that she’s a jack of all trades. Her parents are still dead, she still has an older brother and younger sister, but the farm is a lot bigger and has hired workers outside of the family. She works two jobs, as a mechanic and on the farm. Big Mac also works on the farm still, but he works around town as hired help. They both have to work these jobs to help pay for Granny Smith’s medical bills as she is very ill and has dementia. Applebloom also has medical issues, having been born early and has asthma.
Pinkie Pie’s talent is her “raising people’s spirits”. This has two effects. She can both make people happy, and do necromancy. However, necromancy is technically illegal in Ponyville. She doesn’t live with the Cake family, but lives in an apartment with Gummy. She has a job at the local Children’s Hospital cheering up the little ones and distracting them when they have to get shots. She works there because her twin sister, Surprise Pie, wanted to become a doctor herself but passed away at age 9 from Tetanus complications.
Fluttershy’s talent is being able to use various forms of Ecomancy. This includes being able to talk to animals, to being able to control simple minded things such as plants, bacteria and small-brained animals. She was abandoned when she was little as both her parents were Pegasi and it was clear to the father that cheating was involved. She was raised by the Everfree forest itself, the forest spirit did its best to raise her but as a result she is unable to speak the pony languages and can only speak in animal or ancient tongue spoken by the forest. She has troubles interacting with other ponies but tries her best.
Rainbow Dash’s talent is her flying stunts. She does stunt shows and is a movie stunt double. She lives near the outskirts of Ponyville, with her older sister Ditzy. After having a flying accident, where she and her sister collided mid-air while trying to do a two-pony stunt, Dashie has minor brain damage making her unable to perform complex math, and Ditzy’s eye became misaligned and she lost a tooth.
Luna and Celestia’s stories are pretty much the exact same. However, they’ve had children and many ponies are descendants of theirs. Twilight’s a descendant of Luna, and Cadence is a descendant of Celestia. Cadence is still Princess of Love and still marries Twilight’s brother, however she and Twilight were classmates instead of babysitter relationship.