Page 1318 - One Small Step
28th Dec 2019, 6:00 AMAuthor: GreatDinnGuest Author’s Note: “Alternate title: Where Does She Keep These Wonderful Toys?When you think about it, DM and Celestia have opposite problems. Celestia has had centuries of dealing with magical threats and either creating, utilizing, or sealing away magical items by the boatload, yet when the threats come back, her problem-solving team has never heard of them before because Celestia never bothered to make a list of these potential threats.The DM has done nothing but make potential threats and magical items, and yet their problem-solving team succeeded so well that the list was basically ripped apart on day one.Any stories about a DM’s unused lore?”
Twilight Sparkle: Hello.
FS: Hey.
PP: Yo!
RT: Salutations.
RD: ‘sup?
MD: And we’ve got one more coming later.
MD: So, let’s start with the intro. Twilight Sparkle: While you and your friends were at Celestia’s castle for a royal celebration, someone has stolen your Element of Harmony.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait, what?
MD: I thought it might be fun to tie it in with your other game. It’s not like this is gonna be canon or anything.
Twilight Sparkle: Did I at least get a chance to try and stop it?
MD: Of course! You probably even succeeded at stopping the thief, but the crown itself fell into a…
MD: …dimensional gate that Celestia had hidden away.
Twilight Sparkle: [text] Does Celestia have a dimensional gate?
DM: [text] Oh no, it’s the extended lore.
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