“Now, for my next daring feat of wonder, the Great and Powerful Trixie will make this entire tray of freshly-baked cookies… disappear!” Trixie announced as she waved her hands with such robust enthusiasm, her pudgy belly bouncing along.
Holding up a tray of about two dozen cookies, Pinkie Pie smacked her chubby face, acting shocked to keep the crowd ramped up.
“Look over there, everyone!” the magician shouted as everyone followed suit. “Jusht keep looking,” she continued, her voice sounding suspiciously more muffled than usual, “Don wanna shpoil the shurprishe!”
This went on for several awkward seconds until finally…
“TA-DA!” Trixie exclaimed through her stuffed cheeks, “It’sh all gone!”
Despite the crowd groaning and rolling their eyes, Pinkie was still impressed. “Wow, good job! Could I have my cookies back now, please?”
Part 2…
Part 3…