“Hold on. I think it’s still going up…”
“Sweetie Belle!”
“No, seriously. I think you might’ve reached the weight limit now.” Sweetie’s brow furrowed as she watched the highlighted digits continue to climb, occasionally glitching out into randomized gibberish, until it’s finally slowed to a stop. “Oh, wait. Here it is!”
“602.4 pounds.”
Rarity’s eye went wide for a moment as she took in that number. “602 pounds? Goodness! Granted, I shouldn’t be that surprised, what with the holidays and all. But still, it’s no wonder why I’m putting away so much food everyday.” She gave herself a gentle pat on her massive belly, sending ripples across her plush body. At this point, she was quite used to this massive girth, and yet she found this quite impressive.
“It is a wonder how the scale isn’t even breaking yet,” Sweetie Belle side-mouthed as she pulled out her sister’s measuring tape.
“What was that?” Rarity eyed her intensely, raising her flabby arms up.
“Nothing,” Sweetie responded quickly as she stepped behind Rarity. “Just measuring like you asked me to. Might need extra tape, though.” She added with a sisterly smirk.
The fat lady is still singing!