It’s the morning after Halloween. Twilight had invited all her friends over to her house for a Halloween sleepover. Some of them had already left, but a few are still around.
Twilight: (sigh) Pinkie, Pinkie, Pinkie.
Sunset: Of course she’d be the one who brought all the candy.
Twilight: And of course she had to eat 90% of it. I’m trying to watch my figure anyways.
Susnet: I doubt if Pinkie will have the stomach to join AJ’s Thanksgiving Party. There’s hardly going to be anything sweet over there.
Twilight: Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her eat a savoury dish. … What do you think? Do you think you’ve got the stomach for it? (She rubs Sunset’s tummy)
Sunset: (chuckle) Oh stop. I may be getting bigger again, but I’m sure AJ will definitely eat more than me. She can be with roast dinners, what Pinkie can be with sweets.