I always thought Pinkie was a better Freddy due to her name, and her talent.
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Five Night’s at Pinkie’s
The “e” sound at the end of both getz it for me. Plus it’s a party type of place, so of course she’d be the star!
I chose Applejack for Bonnie because… I think Twilight as Bonnie is really dumb. Twilight’s an alicorn now, it wouldn’t make sense for her to be the guitar player! Also AJ plays the bass in EqG so I thought it fit close enough.
I chose Fluttershy as Chica because it makes sense, coloration wise and the fact Chica’s a bird and Fluttershy has wings. So it works!
As for the story:
Six fillies mysteriously disappear inside of Pinkie Fazpony’s Pizza are never to seen again, while a multitude of employees disappear or quit on the double. Due to the mysterious Bite of ‘87, the animatronics are kept in “Band Mode” until nighttime, where they are allowed to roam free inside the resturant. You play as Flash Sentry in the first game, Time Turner in the second, and teenage Pound Cake in the third.
The fillies that went missing were:
Silver Spoon, who was stuffed into the Marionette or otherwise know as Rarionette. She is found crying in the parking lot at Pinkie’s due to being kicked out of Diamond Tiara’s party for some reason or other. Tries to save the fillies by stuffing them into suits.
Dinky, who is put into the Golden Freddy suit, or otherwise known as Golden Cheese or just Cheese Fazpony. She is the last to die and bleed out, and is kept in the back. It was her birthday party at the time.
Diamond Tiara, who is stuffed into Pinkie Fazpony. She felt terrible about ditching Silver and returns to Pinkie’s to try and find her.
Sweetie Belle, who is stuffed into Chicashy. Was invited to Dinky’s birthday.
Apple Bloom, stuffed into Bonniejack. Was also invited.
Scootaloo, who was stuffed into Foxy Dash. Invited as well.
The Toys and Mangle? All the Toys are played by the Rainbow Powered versions of Pinkie, AJ, and Chica. Meanwhile Discord plays as The Mangle.
Spike plays as Ballon Boy.
As for the pony who lured them into a back room to kill them? Twilight Sparkle used an old suit in the back, the old Sunset Bonnie (or Sunsetrap) suit. She is later, many years later, trapped inside the suit and dies. She later haunts Fazpony’s Fright the horror attraction, using dark magic to attack any security guard.