As they started to swim in the pool, they felt like they wanna do some tricks. Both Cyan and Rumble went on separate diving boards and then they decided to do a cannonball. But then as they walked out of the pool, they noticed that they are starting to feel funny.
They hear some laughing from other colts and fillies, and some teenage dragons. Rumble and Cyan were confused. Then they looked down and noticed that…they were missing their swimming trunks. Rumble and Cyan blushed brightly and covered their crotches. Embarrassed, they ran to the locker room and try to find a towel to cover up their crotches. Sweetie Belle was blushing very brightly. Rumble had never felt super embarrassed after being exposed since his suit got sucked by a hoof dryer that somehow malfunctioned during the Gala and his towel fell of while hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash at the Ponyville spa This wasn’t the first time Rumble lost his pair of swimming trunks in a public pool. Poor Rumble and Cyan hid behind a chair where they can’t be seen. Worried that they may be ending up exposed online, getting their lives ruined and unable to forget about it for the rest of their lives, they decided to wait until few of the guests leave the party. Then a familiar voice called them. It was Rarity. She gave them spare pairs of Swimming Trunks. Rumble got the Supreme one and Cyan got bright cyan trunks.
Sweetie Belle Vector (minus the blush) by SLB94
Naked/Embarrassed Rumble Vector by red4567-2
Skeedaddle Vector by Comeha
Tender Taps Vector by FrownFactory
First Base Vector by PaulySentry
Scootaloo Vector by DerAtrox
Apple Bloom Vector by Jailboticus
Thunderlane Vector by CloudyGlow
Spitfire Vector by CloudyGlow
Chipcutter Vector by pink1ejack
Soarin Vector by Landmark520
Rainbow Dash Vector by TheImortalis42
Kettle Corn, Mocha Berry, and Tulip Swirl by FrownFactory
My Ponysona Vector by AndoAnimalia
GallBar Vector by StellarDusk
Babs Seed Vector I found on Google Images
Shady Daze Vector originally by Sinkbon
Cloudchaser and Flitter also found on Google Images
Silver Spoon Vector by CaliAzian
Cyan Lightning belongs to
My ponysona belongs to me
Star Wars belongs to LucasFilms Ltd. and George Lucas
MLP belongs to Hasbro