Page 1288 - Tower of CardsReally, isn’t never putting yourself in harm’s way, not even for a single second the most “””””“clever”””””” plan of all?Note: Now accepting guest comics! Details and rules here. Deadline: November 6th.
DM: What if you pulled a fast one on Discord?
Fluttershy: How?
DM: Some way we didn’t plan for. Discord’s protecting himself with an unstable dimensional shield of sorts that randomizes the Ponyville that anyone enters. Unless he wills it, it’s never the “correct” one with his throne of chaos from which he rules over the world. He figured you’d recover your friendship eventually, but his plan was to buy just enough time to make himself untouchable before that happened.
Rainbow Dash: Man, when you spell it all out, that’s super cowardly.
DM: <ahem> But you still have the Elements of Harmony, basically fully powered. The Elements can’t break through the dimensional shield, but… that’s what he’s expecting you to try.
Applejack: So our Elements can… do something else about that?
DM: Perhaps. They’re potent magical artifacts, and the full extent of their powers hasn’t been explored. The specifics I’ll leave to you; I just want to inform you this option exists.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait. You said “pull a fast one”… Can we do something without Discord noticing??
DM: He’s probably quite busy living it up. The Eye of Sauron is distracted, as it were.
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